Carribeing - Preguntas frecuentes

What is the weather like?
Keep in mind guests rarely let weather stop them from doing anything, and experienced travelers don't let weather get in their way of having a good time. January through May are the driest months with June, July and November typically being the wettest. Click here for current weather
How do I get from the airport on Corn Island to Little Corn?
From the airport you take a 10 min taxi to the municipal wharf. The water Taxi (Panga) schedule coincides with the flight schedules. It's a 15 min ride to Little Corn Island.
How far is the beach from the hotel?
30 seconds!
What about diving or snorkelling?
Fodor's Travel Book says that 'Little Corn Island offers the best snorkelling in all of the Caribbean.' What else can I say, it's amazing! From DoBeDo a short swim brings you to the snorkelling waters and the reef which are right in front of us. For an island of only 700 or so residents, there are two licensed dive shops. Check out my buddy Clint at or for the lowdown.
When is the best fishing?
Little Corn Island offers world class fishing! Visit Little Corn Fishing Charters for more info. We can also hook you up with a fishing experience that adheres to most budgets.
How is the drinking water at the hotel?
We have our own private well which provides some of the best water on the island.
Is the island safe?
If you're from a major city in the US, or Europe ...YES!!. Although small incidents have been reported, major crimes are almost unheard of. We will apprise you of the few do's and don'ts upon your arrival. Since 2005, we have also had resident police on the island. Nicaragua is the safest country in Central America and the 7th safest out of 22 countries in the Western hemisphere (INTERPOL Data)
What about the night life and shopping?
If you like to shop till you drop or dance to techno underneath a million flashing lights, Cancun or Mazatlan may be a better option. Little Corn Island doesn't have that sort of nightlife. In fact, there isn't even one tourist «shop» on the entire island. That said, local artists and craftsmen offer great keepsakes if desired. There is the Happy Hut where Reggae music and dancing provide fun entertainment. Aguila is also a popular destination for both its pool tables and dancing.
What are your policies on children?
DoBeDo is an excellent place for children. The house is an ideal accommodation for families with an abundance of leisure and adventure options right within the house or within a close proximity. Board games, books, DVD and music are in a plentiful supply. The Caribbean flora and fauna and beaches can be safely explored with your kids or accompanied by our friendly dogs.
How does money work on the island?
The Nicaraguan unit of currency is the Cordoba. U.S. dollars are widely accepted in Nicaragua but make sure they are in Good Condition (ie. No marks or tiny tears in them) as some places won't take them because of this.Many people make this trip without ever exchanging money. ATM machines are growing more common in Nicaragua, but can still be difficult to find. The bank (Banpro) on the Big Island does have an ATM as well as giving cash advances on Visa. Very few if any places on either island will accept traveller's cheques.